Mrs. Maria Teresa Pereira
June 16, 1950 - October 01, 2019

Teresa was very involved in the BLCF. Café, every Wednesday she made sure she was there not only to serve their meals for the homeless but also the word of God was always spoken through her lips among them with such joy. She loved to work side by side with Sophie and Margaret and Ron. They all navigate a great ship with kindness and dignity. This fund is to carry on the Christmas spirit for gifts of the less fortunate. Teresa held this dear to her heart.
Teresa estava muito envolvida no Café BLCF todas Quarta-feira, ela se certificava de que estava lá não apenas para servir suas refeições para os sem-teto. A palavra de Deus sempre foi dita através de seus lábios para eles com tanta alegria. Ela adorava trabalhar lado a lado com Sophie, Margret e Ron. Todos eles navegam em um grande navio com bondade e dignidade. Esse fundo e para continuar com o Espirito de Natal pelos presentes dos menos afortunados. Teresa manteve isto querido no coração.
October 03, 2019
October 03, 2019
Bathurst Chapel
Bathurst Chapel
04:00 PM - 08:00 PM
04:00 PM - 08:00 PM
366 Bathurst Street
Toronto, Ontario
M5T 2S6
Tel: (416) 603-1444
October 04, 2019
October 04, 2019
Igreja Novas de Alegria
Igreja Novas de Alegria
11:00 AM
11:00 AM
Please be mindful to not park in front of the church to allow space for immediate family and funeral home vehicles.
October 04, 2019
October 04, 2019
Park Lawn Cemetery & Mausoleum
Park Lawn Cemetery & Mausoleum
01:00 PM
01:00 PM
Arrival time is estimated and is subject to change without notice due to changing weather and road conditions.
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