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Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Thumbs Up and Thanks to all the Volunteers at the BLCF Café in the heart of Toronto!

BLCF: Jesus_thumbs_up

Thumbs Up and Thanks to all the Volunteers at the BLCF Café Community Dinner, in the heart of Toronto!

BLCF: ThumbsUp_Thankyou

Thanks to all the volunteers who helped serve meals at the BLCF Café on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve 2014, both happened to fall on a Wednesday. With the help of these and other dedicated volunteers, our Community Dinner has not missed serving meals to the homeless and marginalized since opening day in January 2008.

BLCF: thumbsup-thanks
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BLCF: Martin-Luther-King-Jr--famous-great-fame-service-greatness

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BLCF: what we get
BLCF: volunteering at BLCF Cafe -012

BLCF: volunteering

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BLCF: divine service
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BLCF: volunteer--quality-of-your-life
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BLCF: many_hands_volunteers
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BLCF: mlti-lingual_thank-you
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BLCF: those who can
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BLCF: thumbs-up-yhank-you
BLCF: calling_all_volunteers

BLCF Café needs volunteers to help feed the homeless and marginalized in the heart of Toronto. If you or your group is interested in helping at the BLCF Café Community Dinner, contact Sophie at or 416-535-9578. Here is a link to our info brochure: BLCF Cafe Info Brochure

BLCF: Christ_in_Christmas
BLCF: Blcf Cafe 3

BLCF Cafe 2

BLCF: Cobert Christmas



BLCF: thumbs-up-best-animated