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Friday, June 22, 2012

Thanks for Supporting the Cause: Feeding the homeless in the heart of Toronto at BLCF Cafe

Thanks to those who dropped by to see A Cup of Cold Water perform a selections of Bluegrass, Country and Gospel Music; at the same time raising funds to feed homeless and marginalized people in the heart of Toronto at BLCF Cafe Community Dinner.

A Church with a vision in the heart of Toronto: Some 70 years ago, a group of believers embarked on a mission to bring the message of the gospel to the Bloor Lansdowne area in a relevant and meaningful way. The membership moved into a converted truck garage on Bloor Street near Lansdowne Avenue establishing the Church of the Crusaders.

Some seven decades later the church, known now as Bloor Lansdowne Christian Fellowship, continues to meet the challenges of actively preaching and practicing the message of the gospel in relevant and meaningful ways to the local community, such as BLCF Cafe, a weekly Community Dinner feeding over 100 souls, each Wednesday evening since January 2008, run under the auspices of BLCF Church and a dedicated core of community-minded volunteers!                                                                      .

Contact Info:  

BLCF Café Community Dinner c/o
Bloor Lansdowne Christian Fellowship
1307 Bloor Street West, Toronto, ON
Phone: 416-535-9578

Web Page:
BLOGs: BLCF Church /BLCF Café @blcfchurch

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Bluegrass Concert Benefit For The Homeless In The Heart of Toronto June 16, 2012

See 'A Cup of Cold Water' perform traditional Bluegrass and Bluegrass Gospel at:

Bloor Lansdowne Christian Fellowship- BLCF Church, 1307 Bloor Street West, Toronto
Saturday, June 16, 2012 at 7PM BLCF is located just 1 block west of the Lansdowne Station, on the south side of Bloor Street. BLCF 416-535-9578

Admission $10. All proceeds go to BLCF Cafe Community Dinner, BLCF Cafe operates every Wednesday evening from 6-8 PM and feeds over 100 homeless and marginalized guests weekly, without any government funding or corporate sponsorship.

Facebook Event Listing

Charity Village Event Listing

Web Page of A Cup of Cold water